Alev is a regular panel guest on the BBC’s World Service Weekend Programme and has appeared on the Today Programme, Woman’s Hour, Radio 3 Free Thinking and ITN.

Selected articles…

Harpers: Seeking Asylum

Out of sight on Leros, the island of the damned

TLS: Getting close to Judgement Day

Alev Scott meets a retired warlord and the spiritual leaders of the Druze

TLS: Weinsteins in Publishing

Alev Scott argues for a safety net for professionals in the arts

FT: The agonies of writing from exile

Barred from her second home Turkey in 2016, Alev Scott explores the role of a writer cut off from the pulse of their country

FT: Are trigger warnings more harmful than taboo subjects?

Potentially offensive topics are on the rise in popular culture, but can trigger warnings really shield us from upset? And should they?

Sunday Times: Even a return to solitary won’t stop me wandering as nature intended

It is a fight that has cost him even his children, but fresh out of prison yet again, the Naked Rambler vows to continue his long battle for the right to be nude

Newsweek: ISIS Starts Recruiting in Istanbul's Vulnerable Suburbs

Barred from her second home Turkey in 2016, Alev Scott explores the role of a writer cut off from the pulse of their country

Politico: Sweden faces moral dilemma over migration

What happens when a country known for its generosity runs out of resources?

FT: Paris Diary: sad selfies at Notre-Dame

How to pay one’s respects at the scene of the tragedy? Alev Scott finds tourists in two minds

Alev‘s contributions to the following publications can be found below: